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Most Boring Indian cricketer

by Bored Member

It's the 25th Anniversary of Anshuman Gaekwad's 201 vs. Pakistan.
And it still hurts.
At least for 47% voters.


Samir Chopra said...

I tried reading this post but seeing that 201 mentioned sent me to sleep.

Viswanathan said...

How boring!

straight point said... have just 'leaked' my secret formula for curing insomnia...

Bhaskar Khaund said...

:- ha ha ha ha ...the only thing that hasnt slept is the fact i remember that series match by match ...those dog days of test cricket ....

Gaurav Sethi said...

he featured in the news today, re the selection. Could even hear that drone in print.

BK - what a misspent childhood.