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Here's to the Pakistan Sri Lanka Dead Rubber test

by Gaurav Sethi

It’s not like we’re locked at two and two
Oh no man, we’re done and dusted, through and through
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

But oh no man, you haven’t had your fill
Your want more, one last encore
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

Why don’t you give them back their money
And tell them to go away, go away people
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

It’s a travesty, playing for pride, it is
I said, it’s a travesty, playing for pride, it is
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

I want it scrapped, you want it scrapped
Who in his right mind doesn’t want it scrapped?
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

Can’t take the stink of burning dead rubber
No, no, can’t take the stink, can’t take the stink
Dead rubber blues, dead rubber blues

(A repost, written Aug 08)

Saving Private Ryan was easier. Here we are saving Private cricket - test cricket, if you please. What's wrong with this 3rd test could so easily be what's right with this 3rd test?

1) Vaas' retirement home

2) Sri Lanka missfielding a team

3) How many dead rubbers are won by the losing team?

4) No Pakistan collapse

5) No BAW Mendis

6) MASTERdeBATE too is bored stiff

7) No Afridi

8) Malik makes a 100

9) No Razzaq

10)Mike Hayesmen in particular

11)Commentary in general

12)OK, I can't talk about this test no more

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