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The (birth)Mark Of A Raja

by Bhaskar Khaund

While he is passionate about a diverse range of interests from digital marketing to Iron Maiden,what this doctor of numbers also brings to the BCC! table is a penchant for reaching his analytical arm up the “miniskirt of statistics” and extracting such pleasurable gems as – to name but a few - indepth performance analyses of the various international teams,
The Kar That Drives Indian Cricket and The Mark Of A Man (named Ramprakash , by the way – remember him ?). It doesn’t stop at miniskirts though. In fact , he skirts absolutely no cricketing issues. Among other accomplishments and contributions , he has scooped so high as to manage the considerable feat of having the ICC speak to BCC! on WADA.

The list can go on but I need to stop at this point to make an announcement.

Bored ladies and gentlemen, I give you a pillar of the BCC! house : RajaB who celebrates a special day today
Happy Bored Day,RajaB – continue to reach it up and keep ‘em coming


pRAFs said...

happy bored day... rajaB!!

Som said...

Happy BOred Day, Raja.

Gaurav Sethi said...

Happy Bored Day Raja!

RajaB said...

Thanks everyone, Thank you BCC!

Thank you very much Bhaskar for that eloquent post...

Thank you all :)

Megha said...

Happy bored day Raja :)

scorpicity said...

Happy bored day!! What we need is a speech.