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T22 – end of day wrap-up

by Gaurav Sethi

KP ended two days in the post match interview in Bangalore. It is now confirmed he doesn’t read this blog. Why else would he 'at the end of the day' us twice in two consecutive sentences. Had it been a longer interview, who knows, he might have ended the world.

What else? Sehwag spoke as only he can, humble, while Bumble spoke about India intent on 7-0. It’s a rare talent Sehwag and Bumble have: bringing cheer n charm even in a one-day series. KP meanwhile, did say cheers.


straight point said...

..and the way he gave credit to GK was good too...he could have just said that yes i am focusing on ball and game more blah blah...but 'simply' gave it to GK...

Gaurav Sethi said...

yeah, interview was very prompt.

he's bettered shot selection, seems more aware. And if it's GK's dng glad he said so.

Anonymous said...

I resign :)

Megha said...

"At the end of the day" is the most annoying phrase in use, according to Oxford Uni researchers. True Story.

Gaurav Sethi said...

scorpi, that old boss again, eh?

Gaurav Sethi said...

Thanks Megha

Anonymous said...

Just did it NC... even the current one said 'the end of the day'... I gave up.