To have Charu Sharma wish you a very Good Morning! Dr Vijay Mallaya will be up to follow Dravid and Ryder’s progress and pigs will fly.
To have a look at Javagal Srinath’s boots
To hear Sanjay Manjrekar make politically incorrect statements about Sachin Tendulkar
To watch Sachin Tendulkar turn them into milestones
To watch a rain delay
To have Charu Sharma give you updates on the rain delay
To hear Charu and Sanjay enlighten you on the 3rd seamer options
To see their coffee mugs
To see their mugs
To be mugged of your sleep
To watch the first ball of the test match at Hamilton.
To watch the Smile in action after 5 years!!
Go Bala-G!!
better still to not go to bed at all & to turn the experience into an all night bender ... viva la uisghe!
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