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3Ds…boasting with riches of talent…

by straight point

...or acting plain stupid arrogant…?

they would throw away runs (the way they started the match today)…won’t go wholeheartedly for catches…

as if dismissing the effort thinking…we will see to it later when we bat…

…and if you thought last innings of jatman was ugly…he is on a mission to come up with another…to make you ponder again…

hence the question…

are they boasting of riches of talent…or acting plain arrogant…?

1 comment:

Gaurav Sethi said...

They were set to lose this again, lucked out Dilshan's runout wasn't given - he's in the limited form of his limited cricket life. While they're at it, 3d should pluck Arnold from the ICL too!

But yeah, Delhi with this atti will be felled in the semis again. And i supect teams with greater intensity like MI could get them. Here it's shere flair.