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The ICC has a sense of humour.

by Gaurav Sethi

They've nominated Australia for the 'Spirit Of Cricket Award'.


Leela said...



Gaurav Sethi said...

Black humour that

Bhaskar Khaund said...

Now ,now ,NC,... if an oz was heard saying that ,the monkey wudda never been off his back ..LOL ;-)...well , only one explantion i figure - just recognition for their recent results compared to the last 10-12 years ? :-)

Megha said...

It's becoz of that guy Symonds...had enough "spirits" on him to be enough for a whole team...

straight point said...

probably they wanted to see embarrassed look on ponting's face while accepting the award...?

adverbin said...

Didn't Punter lose a test trying to up the run rate? According to the ICC this constitutes the "spirit of the game". Things like sledging, blocking the batsman taking a run etc. do not violate the spirit of the game. Apparently we do not really know what this "spirit of the game" is and have to learn from the Ozzies. Wait didn't we try it and face Monkeygate?

Sujan Rao said...

Out of the 3 I should say Sri Lanka rightly deserves Spirit of Cricket, 3rd time in a row.

BTW surprising India never even got nominated for this award..

Maybe "TERI MAA KI" effect.. What say NC ? ;)

Gaurav Sethi said...

BK, think it's for Ricky chasing the overrates over a win against India.

Megha, don't say

SP, he's beyond that now. Thru the Ashes he's become crowd savvy

Gaurav Sethi said...

Adverbin, it's still only a nomination, and with such few teams soon they'll be nominating China, that will be the day.

Gaurav Sethi said...

Sujan, It's a worthless award no diff from the one in the IPL.

Do a Serena-US Open twist on teams that mess with this so-called spirit, then see how many teams lose it.

Sujan Rao said...

Agreed NC,

ICC they needed 4 nominations. Surely they cant say India & SA,else the whole world would break loose.Also they can say West Indies for basically WI cricket has no spirit at all :D

Remaining Pak have played so less cricket that they dont qualify either. So I guess they selected Aus over Bangla, which IMO is better since BD play even less then Ireland..

vmminerva said...

I like Sujan's reasoning. But that apart, this seriously is a joke!