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Cosmic connection with Brett Lee.

by bored cricket crazy indians

Yesterday was a waste of a final. Not so much because T&T lost, but because Lee and Bored frequent the same fortune telling parrot. While we waited our turn, parrot squawked to Lee how the finals would unfold.

So in way, we saw it coming. Every NSW wicket brought us closer to the inevitable Binga innings.

BoredCricket On twitter: two more wickets and we can watch Lee bat. #clt20 about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck

And then again: One more wicket, Lee is in #clt20

Asked for it, got it. Knock them off. Bring on Lee #clt20

Even if NSW get 120, could be down to Lee.'s bowling #clt20

Lee's gonna be a hand full bowling #clt20

Clearly Brett Lee wants to open the innings with Mitchell Johnson #clt20

Early Bored Call: On Lee, match result before Lee's innings and outing #clt20

Now there are two ways to go about it: Follow Lee or follow BoredCricket.

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