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Our blues, yer blues, whose blues are you?

by bored cricket crazy indians

A devious ploy by the Champions League organisers no doubt, though one wonders, what took them so long. The only viable explanation, they decided to wait for the big finals.

Until now, Trinidad & Tobago has been nigh unstoppable, winning all their games so far. Who you’re going to call – The Blues! Word has gotten around that the men in blue will be taking on the T&T team.

While it is correct that the New South Wales Blues play T&T in the finals, locals have been made to believe that our men in blue, the India XI will be playing T&T in Hyderabad.

Tickets have been moving faster than Hyderabadi biryani, even the presence of Brett Lee has not convinced people otherwise; one gullible young girl argued, only the other day Lee was spotted in a Sherwani, everyone knows he is now part of our Blues. Or Yer Blues, right John?

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