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Telling the Deccan Chargers Whose Boss!

by Bored Member

By Q

VVS Laxman 26* (31b) 2x4 SR 83.87

Looks like its a Very Very Special day today!


Gaurav Sethi said...

And Dravid tried telling the Royal Challengers whose boss.

But with VVS, always felt, he's on his own trip. For an island, he sure can play.

Anonymous said...

I was quite sure his special against the Aussies was round the corner.

straight point said...

the problem with vvs is that he never looks out of touch...

he is never granted the patch of what we call out of form enjoyed by many...of his colleagues...

Gaurav Sethi said...

SP, the earlier part of VVS' int. career had the big scores missing. Reckon he arrived on the scene with that 160 odd vs. oz in a losing cause some 8 years back.

he needs better pr.

Anonymous said...

SP, exactly, never looks out of touch. Amazing isn't it?

Q said...

He's all class man... great player whose always been under rated. Some how he stays out of the limelight but then i guess thats whats so special abt him.

He has several years left in him I reckon.

Q said...

NC, I believe there was a knock of 80 odd as opener against maybe Australia.. more than 8 yrs ago definitely..

Gaurav Sethi said...

sure. but the 160 odd was twice as sweet