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7 things Sehwag is likely to do on his b'day

by Som

1. Wonder why it took him so long, three decades to be precise, to reach 31;

2. Look out for Gambhir when asked to uncork the bubbly. "After all, we open together".

3. Tally Allan Donald's photo with his own and wonder how come Donald looks so old if he was born the same day;

4. Wipe his shoes on a carpet which has Buchanan's face on one side and Mike Denness' on the other;

5. Open one of the gift boxes to find a Kapil Dev-autographed Rapidex English Speaking Course book.

6. Politely request Navjot Singh Sidhu not to embarrass him in front of his son by repeatedly calling him the 'Hauz Khas Howitzer';

7. Watch 'Dostana' with Gambhir.


pRAFs said...

As always, another cracker from Som.
great stuff man

Som said...

Prafs, thanks. BTW, where is the cake man? I'll have my cake and eat it too:)

straight point said...

no 1 is a cracker som... only you could have pulled it off...

prafs, can i join in too... don't worry i will open the bubblies for you... :)

pRAFs said...

i guess i'll send you a virtual one.
you can have that one but i'm not too sure about eating it. ;)

pRAFs said...

SP, a tad too late for that.
The bubblies are open and flowing already.

Ankit said...

रोलिंग फर्श पर हँसte hue...

achettup said...

Ahahahaha, simply magnificent Som, hilarious!

Som said...

SP, thanks. BTW, are you planning to accompany Prafs to 'Dostana' as well?

Som said...

Ankit, now that is hilarious. Lets' try to translate some cricket lingo in Hindi as well!

Som said...

Achettup, nice set of teeth, liking it:

Gaurav Sethi said...

Yes he did say that about Donald I was there. And then Prafs declared it was his b'day too. And Viru said, "AWESOME, you look even younger" and smiled with that evil glint in his eye.

Som said...

NC, that only deepened the dilemma for Viru!

Gaurav Sethi said...

First it was Sehwag ki Ma ka phone, now Sehwag ki Dile mma ka phone

Som said...

Ma...I mean...mother of all dilemma.

Ankit Poddar said...

1 and 3 are simply brilliant!

hilarious, but could be a possibility too!

Som said...

Ankit, I can give you 7 reasons why only 1 and 3 were good and rest five were also-rans, with NC nodding in agreement!