Bored is celebrating its second B'day Today |
The first time I visited Bored, I actually thought it was a site by the official BCCI. :-) Only later did I realize it was something far more important - the best online community of cricket bloggers with the best variety of opinions and writing on cricket today. Long like BCC!
- Krish
2 lines about myself: I talk nonsense.
And I will never stop.
2 lines about cricket: Cricket is a way of life
If you don't watch cricket, you have no life
2 lines about Bored: Fact: We are all bored
Fact: BCCI just does it in style
Cricket has begun to border on boredom. And there comes in Bored for me.
Bored Cricket Crazy Indians has come in as my savior, for bored makes cricket bearable.
-Ankit Poddar
Two lines for two years, 4 lines for four, 2635 posts and counting, coz we want more
First, I liked the name. Then I liked the cartoons. Then the songs, the Bored game, the opinions, the quips, the debates, the favourites-lobbying and the philosophy of bored. This here is the one outlet of our voices and our thoughts on the game. Who are we? We are all Bored Cricket Crazy Indians!
- Crownish
About Me,
Socially awkward techie in normal life. expletive-spewing, shadow-searching, butter fingered fast bowler on the cricket field
is not my religion, sachin not God. but its something which has given me great memories, good friends
Is a fun place to be in. To say one thing in a thousand different ways, that we love cricket
For me, cricket and Bored have merged, reckon I watch more Bored than cricket. 2 years on, it's still the bored anthem for me. Who's gonna be the next bored member, what's his cricket story?
-naked cricket
About me and bored…
I don’t know for sure whether bored reflects me or I reflect bored… but the one thing I know for sure is that the moment I know the answer to the question, that started it all… ‘what is cricket to you’… I won’t be bored anymore…
- sp
In a nation where those who are powerful and those who have most listeners have indoctrinated the masses and cricket lovers with most biased and self serving notions-- Bored has shown how bored talk can be more powerful than most listened to notions and opinions. I still say, before anything else; I write for Bored.
--A Bisht
I had been stalking BCC! for awhile till one day I got the courage to walk up and ask it out for a date. BCC! agreed and let me wine and dine. I had an interested "member" while being a "bored" guest. In the end, we just hit it off and we are going all the way! Yeah baby, Yeah!
-the cricket couch
Achettup: Assumes cricketing harbingers enlightened the totally unassuming perfunct
Cricket: 'Coz running in circles keeps everybody tired
Bored: Because our readers enjoy discussion
Happy Bored Day Bored - Bored for two years, here's to being Bored forever!
That's all from me for now; if u thought that was brief, you obviously missed the Indian innings against NZ the other day. Well, no worries, the Indian batsmen did too.
-Bhaskar Khaund
The first time I came across BCC! was during the 2009 T20 World Cup. Ironically, it was the banter of a Pakistani and Sri Lankan that was the rage at that time. Going deeper into the dark dungeons of the blog one could see it didn't spare any cricketer of criticism when it was called for, but it also did so in a very good-natured way. None of that effigy burning, expletive spewing rubbish. No, the criticism was registered through screenplays, cartoons, tapped phone conversations and khufia reporters. Reminded one to be sincere about the game but not take it too seriously. Happy Bored Day to all Bored Members.
I had this sneaking suspicion that cricket was invented to facilitate and justify the existence of Bored Cricket Crazy Indians and two years down the line, I stand vindicated.
Stranded halfway around the world with no TV meant I had to look elsewhere for the cricket I could not do without. Bored has been filling just that void for me and then some. Between Homer's didactic rendering of the laws of the game, Mahek's trenchant critiques, SP's straight points, NC's many many gems and all the others, guests and members alike, it's been an experience to savour. And one that I will continue to enjoy in the years to come.
Happy Bored day!
-Rohit Pillai
The enthusiasm and fervour with which Bored members write about the game and the intricacies they point out is just amazing and cannot be found anywhere. Have been hooked on to Bored for an year now. By the look of things will be hooked for life as well..
Bored is an adda; come, hang out, shoot the shit with fellow Desis. Check all reverence at the door; kick off your shoes. Wait, keep them on, coz' there's nothing holy about this place and we want to keep things secular. Like Good Desis, dontcha know? Indians often don't make sense to each other; cricket brings us together. Bored is where it comes together.
-Samir Chopra
I started blogging roughly 3 years back using my internet persona (VM, VMM, Victoria, VMMinerva, either way is fine). Some very nice folk stumbled on my blog and then more followed. With time, we are all buzzing at each other's virtual homes. Most of these folks joined BCC! on NC's request and it has been a lot of fun ever since.I still vividly remember that day 2 years ago when NC had mailed us very excitedly about his thoughts on Bored. It's wonderful to see that it has blossomed into a very entertaining site. When I'm bored and not so bored, I check by. Thanks to everyone here who's made it a great place to visit! Cheers!
idea: Bored Jayanti
haha ab... with bored it has to be friday the 13th the most bored day in the calender... :)
@crownish_____________Haha, Bored Jayanti, something like Gandhi Jayanti, or Buddha Jayanti. That will be more boring than these officila jayantis.
I promise to put it in cartoon soon.
@straighpoint_________Isn't it ironical. As if being bored was not enough. :)
man, i love this post!
@pRAFs__________Thanks :)
I had this sneaking suspicion that cricket was invented to facilitate and justify the existence of Bored Cricket Crazy Indians and two years down the line, I stand vindicated.
The enthusiasm and fervour with which Bored members write about the game and the intricacies they point out is just amazing and cannot be found anywhere. Have been hooked on to Bored for an year now. By the look of things will be hooked for life as well..
Happy Bored Day and wishing BCC! many many more years of fun! Cheers!
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