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Six is a fix

by Gaurav Sethi

There was a plan, it got laid. Here I was, sure to survive seven one-day games, now I just can’t say. I know it’s a day-night game, I know it starts at 2.30 pm IST, I know it’s in Nagpur, I know too much.

But I still haven’t slapped that itinerary on the desktop. But I know there’s a game in Delhi, on the 31st I think. Now I’ve done it again, looked up the itinerary, it is the 31st. I know now. I even looked beyond the 31st, what sort of itinerary is this – there’s a game on the 2nd, sure it’s next door, Mohali. But even Mohali isn’t that next door. They will fly to Chandigarh – or will it be 3-4 hours on road? Shatabdi, no way.

The timelines are killing - towards the end, the only Aussie standing will be coach, and we all know he sits through games.

We can either sit on these seven ODIs, or do something about it – like not watch them. There’s a film festival on, but these Romanian movies suck, on the jugular. There will be blood in this one day series too. You cannot survive seven. Six is a fix. Gimme five.

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